Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)

In traditional governance systems, we rely upon human entities to enact policies on behalf of constituents. This may viewed as in contemporary politics or in the hierarchical structure of an enterprise. An historical issue however, is that it is not always possible to trust the judgement of those in charge. In economics, this is known as the principle-agent problem.

A DAO is a form of self-enforcing protocol, typically modelled as a smart contract. Each decision is recorded on a public ledger which ensures transparency. It allows participants to propose, vote on and enact policies, guided by a strict set of rules.

An infamous attack brought a lot of attention to the subject a few years ago, but there have been many advancements since. For example, MakerDAO have created the ‘Dai’ stablecoin, pinned to the value of the US dollar. I will save this topic for a future post, but if you want to know more now, checkout this post. Another interesting development is MolochDAO which aims to drive community funding for open-source projects. In short, stakeholders vote on proposals (typically for work to be undertaken) and upon success the proposer is awarded some amount of token. They can then choose to use this power to vote on other proposals or burn it (convert to ether).


Borrowing some of the key ideas from MolochDAO, I’ve put together an example contract:

pragma solidity >=0.5.0;

contract MolochDAO {
    uint pot;
    uint participants;
    mapping (address => uint) power;
    mapping (address => uint) proposals;
    mapping (address => uint) votes;

    // initial seed funds
    constructor() public payable {
        pot = msg.value;
        power[msg.sender] = msg.value;
    // caller burns participation for token
    function burn() public {
        if (power[msg.sender] == 0) {
        pot -= power[msg.sender];
        power[msg.sender] = 0;
    // create a proposal for funds
    function propose(uint want) public {
        proposals[msg.sender] = want;
    // vote for a proposer
    function vote(address proposal) public {
        if (proposals[proposal] == 0) {
        } else if (power[msg.sender] > 0) {

        if (votes[proposal] == participants) {
            power[proposal] += proposals[proposal];
            votes[proposal] = 0;

This sets up an initial seed pot in the constructor and anyone can then propose to take an amount of the shares. If we receive enough votes, the proposer will be added to the pool with the option to burn their share to receive ether.

Do not use this contract with token of value.

I should add that this contract is nowhere near complete or even fair to all participants. For instance, the last party to vote will incur additional gas costs. A slightly more critical flaw however is that I do not force any kind of unique constraint on the voter, so any participant could submit multiple votes to unlock the funds.


I’m excited to share some work I’ve recently completed on Hyperledger Burrow. We now support experimental Web3, meaning that all of your favorite Ethereum tooling should now work with our built-in JSON RPC.

Lets start a chain with one validator to process blocks and two participants from which we can transact:

burrow spec -v1 -p2 | burrow configure --curve-type secp256k1 -s- | burrow start -c- 

If we now query for the latest block, we should get a response:

curl -X POST localhost:26660 --data \

Truffle is a tool for smart contract development and testing. Follow the configuration instructions in our docs, download the MolochDAO source and follow the deploy instructions:

git clone
cd moloch
npm install
npx buidler moloch-deploy --network burrow